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Auto Dialer vs Predictive Dialer: Which One Is the Game Changer?

  • April 1, 2024

Running outbound campaigns can have several use cases. However, the main goal for all types of outbound campaigns is to increase reach. Certainly, increased reach helps in converting goals sooner or later. For example, if your call center could reach a prospective client and have discussed it for a minute, you have done a good job of generating awareness for your offering. Now, even if the prospect denies making a purchase, he knows about you and this product awareness will help you in multiple ways. An auto dialer has a great role in augmenting outbound campaigns more effectively and efficiently.

Interestingly, there are multiple types of auto dialing systems available to make a difference in diverse outbound campaigns. A business can choose to get any one auto dialer for call center or his or her business. Alternatively, he or she can get a complete solution that has multiple types of automated dialing systems. Let’s get into detail to understand the two most popular types of automated dialers that are game changers in this industry. We are talking about auto and predictive dialer software.

Undoubtedly, these two systems changed the call center landscape and benefited different businesses, including call centers. However, often people get confused when they are in the process of selecting one of the others. In this blog post, we will discuss in-depth details of auto and a predictive dialer for call center. As a result, you will have a better understanding of both of these solutions. Moreover, you can make a better choice to make the best use of your automation tools.

So, without any further ado, let’s delve deeper to understand these automated dialing systems empowering your call center.

1. What is an Automated Dialer?

It is an independent solution that provides automation features for dialing phone numbers from a predefined set of phone numbers. Fascinatingly, this system was heavily used in the call centers. Therefore, now it is part of almost all solutions used in a call center.

The major function of this software is to sequentially dial phone numbers in an automated manner. Once the call is answered, the system will play a prerecorded voice message. Later, the call is assigned to the agent.

Experience the Future of Calling with Our Auto Dialer Solutions

This system ensures that the agent is available to take this call. Therefore, the system will perform all these jobs only when the agent is sitting and listening to an automated call taking place, the caller rings, and ultimately the voice of the customer or a voicemail note. In case the call is connected to the voicemail or does not get answered, the agent has the right to end the call and move to the next phone number on the list.

The operation of an auto dialer system is straightforward. Therefore, we can define it in three simple steps:

A. An agent uploads a list of contact numbers and initiates the campaign.

B. The dialer systematically calls each number on the list.

C. The system connects answered calls to available agents.

In the event of a dropped call, the dialer plays a recorded message. Sales agents can also leave a pre-recorded message if the call reaches an answering machine. Additionally, the dialer enables agents to pause before dialing the next number. So that agents can complete administrative jobs like inputting details about the previous call and preparing for the following one.

2. What is a Predictive Dialer?

It is also an automated dialer, but with much advanced functionality to push the capabilities and limits of an agent to extract the best out of them. A predictive dialing system uses an AI based predictive model. Therefore, it is the most advanced version of the automated dialing systems available on the market.

Firstly, this system predicts when the agent is going to be available for the next call. Secondly, it predicts how many numbers need to be dialed to get connected with one lead, so that the call is ready to be passed to the agent. Based on the stated two predictions, the system will set a predictive dialing ratio. Moreover, it will dial multiple numbers whenever there is a chance of an agent being available to take the next call.

The operation of a predictive dialer for call center is not as straightforward as its counterpart. Therefore, it is necessary to understand its working model, which is as below:

A. The predictive dialer defines the predictive dialing ratio based on the average success rate of call connection and agent’s average total call time and other driving factors. Based on the predictive dialing ratio, the dialer will dial multiple phone numbers. It can be sequential numbers from the list or random ones.

B. Once the customer receives the phone, it is passed to the available agent. The predictive dialing system will skip busy, unreachable, and false numbers. Moreover, it will also skip numbers that reach an IVR and voicemail.

This dialing method is quite aggressive compared to its counterpart and it gives minimal time to the agent to complete his or her administrative jobs.

3. Major Advantages of an Auto Dialing System

Auto Dialer Solution

There are several advantages of using an auto dialer for a business. So, let’s take a look at some of the major benefits that your business can gain by using this software.

3.1. Saves a Lot of Time

Traditionally, call center agents used to manually dial the phone numbers using a dial pad available in the software for call centers. However, the process was slow, cumbersome, and tedious. It used to take a lot of time in the dialing process only. This was infeasible for businesses that needed to reach multiple leads within a shorter time frame to increase returns.

Luckily, auto dialers were invented to benefit agents and the call center industry. This system automated the whole manual process of retrieving and dialing the numbers in a sequential manner. Certainly, it saved a lot of time for agents and helped them to use the most important resource productively, which is time.

3.2. Remove Inefficiency and Inaccuracy

Even if agents take the required precautions, it is likely that agents make mistakes in dialing numbers. Firstly, they can dial the wrong digits while dialing the number. Secondly, they may skip one or more numbers by mistake. Thirdly, they may dial the same number twice or more times. All these inefficiencies and inaccuracies can cause several challenges. Moreover, this can also cause poor results in outbound campaigns.

Auto dialers automate this process. Automation ensures there are no man-made mistakes repeated in the process. As a result, the system performs excellently. Moreover, there will be no inefficiencies and inaccuracies.

3.3 Increase Agent Talk Time

One great advantage of implementing automation in the dialing process is that the agents don’t spend time on tedious jobs. Rather they invest their time in the job they are experts in. Moreover, they invest the time for which they are hired. Certainly, the core job of call center agents is to have conversations with customers to lead to better results. Automated dialing helps in achieving this because it saves time for agents that might go wasted in dialing phone numbers and dealing with errors in the manmade process. This powerful tool helps agents focus on managing calls and increasing overall talk time.

3.4 Better Skill Development

Recognition of the power of auto dialer for call center indicates the greatest direct and indirect advantages. One of the intangible benefits of this system is better skill development and enhancements. Firstly, agents are using their skills to manage more calls. Secondly, they are spending more time talking to clients and learning new cases every now and then. As a result, agents sharpen their skills with each new call and perform better and better. Undoubtedly, this increases productivity, performance, efficiency, and accuracy.

3.5 Increase Reach and Conversion

The process automation helps in making outbound calls faster. Moreover, it becomes easier to reach more prospective clients and existing customers quickly. Furthermore, the agent’s talk time and skills are also augmented with the dialers. As a result, outbound campaigns can reach a wider audience within a short time. Moreover, they can convert more leads because they can reach more clients and repeat interactions, too.

4. Major Advantages of a Predictive Dialing Solution

Predictive Dialing Solution

As we explore the advantages of an automated dialing tool, we must look at the major advantages of predictive dialer software. So, let’s get started.

4.1 All Advantages of an Auto Dialing Tool

As we have mentioned earlier, predictive dialing is a type of auto dialing. Certainly, it is an advanced version of automated dialers. Therefore, you can leverage all the advantages that you will reap with an auto dialing feature.

4.2 Supersonic Speed of Outbound Campaigns

Unlike its predecessor, it does not wait for an agent to show readiness to take the next call. In fact, it predicts when an agent will get ready to take the next call and dial numbers. Moreover, it will stay ready with a connected call even before an agent is ready to take the call. Furthermore, it can dial multiple numbers at a time. As a result, it will yield brilliant speed in running any outbound campaign.

4.3 Reduced Idle Time

Amazing results are available when you use predictive dialing. It will reduce agent idle time to almost zero. Yes, you read it right. Unlike its predecessor, it will dial numbers well in advance even before the agent’s availability. Moreover, it will bypass unreachable numbers and calls that land on voicemails or IVRS. Therefore, agents always have the next call to attend as soon as they complete the existing one. This ensures the idle time is zero or near.

4.4 Maximized Agent Utilization

Interestingly, with this dialing system, your agents will always stay on the call. As a result, you will maximize talk time. Moreover, you will leverage the advantage of having sharp minds who are sharpening their skills with each call. As a result, you will get excellent productivity, which further maximizes the utilization of agents.

4.5 Reduced Operational Cost

The existing resources including your software for call centers, agents, and other tools, are always productively occupied. As a result, with minimal resources, you can do more. It further results in cutting costs and improving operational efficiency.

One of the major advantages of this dialing system is boosting revenue. We have a separate blog post covering the complete subject matter. It shares how using predictive dialing can help you increase your revenue.

5. Major Use Cases of an Automated Dialer

There are several use cases of an auto dialer system in any outbound campaign. Let’s take look at the most popular ones:

  • Cold calling
  • Telemarketing and telesales
  • Survey and feedback collection
  • Promotional outreach
  • Warm lead generation
  • Sales calls
  • Follow-ups and reminder

6. Major Use Cases of Predictive Dialing

Depending on the targeted goals, this dialer is useful for maximizing output. Some of the major use cases of a predictive dialer for call center are listed below:

  • Lead qualification
  • Cold lead generation
  • Random outreach
  • High call volume campaigns

Concluding Note

Nowadays, automation has a pivotal role to play. Therefore, you cannot ignore the power of automation in any industry. Interestingly, the call center industry deals with massive call volume and gigantic campaigns that need to look for ways to speed up things and that also at lower operational expenses. Luckily, technological inventions have gifted auto dialing systems as one of the powerful tools for businesses that are managing outbound campaigns.

Automated dialers have multiple advantages and applications in the industry. Therefore, inventions spiked up in this direction. As a result, we have access to a diverse range of automated dialers. The predictive dialer is one of the most advanced versions and the auto dialer is the most basic version of this interesting call center feature.

In conclusion, automation in dialing has great use cases, advantages, and future in all industry verticals. We offer the most powerful automated dialers, including, but not limited to predictive dialer software. To learn more about our offerings and book a free demo, contact us.

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