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What Is Multi Tenancy? Is It Necessary in a Call Center?

  • December 14, 2022

Multi tenancy has become a buzzword in so many industries, especially, the software industry. From a multi tenant IP PBX solution to a multi tenant call center solution, multi tenancy is everywhere. Being one of the top providers of the best call center software, we are going to explain more about multi tenancy in this blog post and we will also share whether your call center needs multi tenancy in your software for call centers or not.

What is multi tenancy?

It is a system architecture found in several software solutions, including contact center solutions. It uses a single instance of the software to cater to the needs of multiple businesses or users with that single instance. The single instance of the software is forked out in multiple setups of the software and each setup can be used as a single and independent solution. The main system from which the sub-systems are set up is called an admin or super admin of the architecture. It controls the rest of the systems. On the other hand, the rest of the systems, in other words, sub-systems, are called tenants. The main admin or super admin can control each tenant, the assigned features to each tenant, and other aspects. The same phenomenon is used in the case of multi tenant contact center software.

To know more about a multi tenant call center solution, read our complete blog on A Multi Tenant Call Center Solution: Everything You Need to Know.

Does your call center need a multi tenant solution?

Empower your call center with our robust multi-tenant software

There is no ideal answer for this because it varies on various factors. Two major factors that turn the answer into yes are briefly explained hereunder.

1. You have multiple call centers

The first scenario is that you are an MNC or a huge call center company that has multiple call centers set up in the same city, nation, or world. In other words, there is the main call center, called headquarter, and then you have multiple branches of your call center. In this case, you need to have multi tenancy support in your software for call centers. This will make the operations and control easier and tighter.

2. You want to generate revenue from the software 

As the use of contact center solutions has become common, many entrepreneurs have started using this software as a revenue generating tool. There are several revenue generation models emerged for the same such as UCaaS, SaaS, and Paas. If you are thinking of using the best call center software to run any of these models or use this software with any other revenue generating model, then you must consider using a multi tenant contact center solution.

In all other cases, you don’t need to use a multi tenant solution for your call center.


Multi tenancy is fascinating and has immense control over distributed call centers or contact center businesses. Thus, knowing about it is necessary if you are associated with this industry. We have educated you about this attention-grabbing topic.

If you are interested in using a multi tenant call center solution, we are here with the best software for you. We also provide a LIFETIME FREE Edition of our intelligent software. 

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