Call center solution has now become a household name in any industry you think about. Whether in a non-technical industry like healthcare, insurance, etc. or you talk about a technical industry like an IT company, technical support business, etc., using a call center system directly or indirectly is the new normal. Customer care has been part of all businesses since the market has shifted towards client centric approach, but the COVID 19 wave made it more evident to have an in-house call center set up to cater to customers.
Even if these businesses are interested in using the best call center software, they are less likely to buy a call center solution. These businesses use SaaS based or similar models to use this software to set up a customer care center. This gives a wave to businesses offering call center solutions as a service. This increases the need for a call center with billing system. If you are using a multi tenant contact center solution and want to invest in call center billing integration that would also be fine, but there are more benefits to having a system with an integrated billing system. Wondering why?
Let’s explore this in this blog post. To help you understand the worth of a call center billing solution, we will cover the following points in this blog post. So let’s delve deeper to understand this vital subject for a call center as a service provider business or anyone using a multi tenant call center solution.
1. What is a Billing System for Call Centers?
In simple words, the VoIP system that automates the process of billing in a call center is called a billing system for call centers. It is an all-inclusive billing solution that takes care of all billing aspects for a business offering call center software.
It can be a module available within the software or it can be a third party billing system that can be integrated into the software for call centers.
Maintaining customer accounts in your call center system is its primary function. It keeps track of subscription, additional, and API charges. The system calculates bills at regular intervals (weekly, biweekly, or monthly), sends invoices, and offers online payment receipts. This VoIP billing solution supports both prepaid and postpaid billing, accommodating key operational models in the call center. Learn all about the Usage VoIP Billing Solution here.
Maximize Profitability with our Integrated Billing Call Center Solution.
Difference Between Integrated Billing and Billing Integration in Contact Centers
There are two options to avail of a billing system for the contact center software and it is necessary to understand the difference between them.
A solution with an integrated billing system will have a billing module as the call center billing software will be integrated by the provider of the software for call center. This is a call center with billing system. On the other hand, call center billing integration is a process of integrating the billing solution for call centers into the software.
In both cases, usually, the function of the billing system is the same, but it is necessary to find an ideal solution. As per the recommendations, it is better to get an integrated billing system. Even if you buy a multi tenant contact center solution without an integrated billing system, it is better to ensure that your provider offers a call center billing solution, so you can integrate it later on to use an integrated solution.
Why Choose a Call Center System with Integrated Billing?
As now you understand the different options available to integrate a billing system into the call center software, let’s now explore the top reasons to use an integrated system.
Customization Would be Easier
When you use the contact center software with a billing system integrated into the system, then customization would be simpler. Both solutions are from the same vendor, so that vendor can provide the required customization or custom development for both or any of the solutions to meet your business requirements.
It will be an Inexpensive Option
In a majority of cases, when you use a billing system from the same provider of your call center dialer solution, then it would be cheaper compared to its counterpart. The reason is you will not need to invest in two different software licenses. When you use the integrated billing system with the customer care software, then it will be more of an upgrade instead of purchasing a completely new software solution. Even integration would be cheaper when you get this solution from the same vendor.
Read also: The Benefits of Using a Call Center Billing Solution
It will Provide Seamless Operations
When you use two different solutions offered by two different providers, it is necessary to check a few important aspects as briefed below:
- Compatibility: The first thing to ensure is that both solutions are compatible with each other. If these systems are not compatible with each other, then it would cause inefficiency in using some or a majority of features of these software solutions.
- Scalability: Any software solution needs to be highly scalable to support the growth of a business. SaaS businesses are likely to grow at a faster rate. Thus, it is vital to get solutions that are highly scalable. When you integrate a billing system with software for call center, it should not cause roadblocks in the scalability of the software or business. Thus, it is necessary to inspect whether the system is scalable and supports scalability.
- Security: This is another important aspect when you use a third party or open source solution along with an existing system. Often, integrating an additional solution with your call center solution can open some windows for hackers that can cause security concerns.
If you use a system that has an integrated billing solution, then it will not cause any of the above mentioned concerns. When you use both solutions offered by the same vendor, it will remove compatibility, security, and scalability related concerns.
It will Save Time
First and foremost, when you use an integrated solution, you will not need to invest time in finding the right provider for the billing system. Finding an ideal and reliable provider is often a very time consuming job. Moreover, you will need to discuss with both vendors about the third party solution, integration, compatibility, and multiple other aspects. However, if you use an integrated solution, then all you need to do is discuss your requirements with your provider and you will receive what you are looking for. This will save a lot of time.
In addition to that, when you use a system with an integrated billing system, you don’t need to worry about integration time. In this case, it will be just a matter of a single purchase or it will be a simple upgrade of the existing solution. This saves further time.
It will Simplify Vendor Management
Using a call center billing software solution will simplify vendor management because there will be a single vendor to communicate and coordinate with. There will be no back and forth between two vendors, which will reduce occasions of communication gap. Also, you will not need to wait for one vendor to respond to communicate with another vendor. Thus, it will simplify vendor management because your vendor will understand both solutions and also know how these systems would work.
Concluding notes
In a nutshell, for businesses that rely upon software as a service using the call center dialer solution, it is essential to use an integrated billing solution offered by the same vendor. You must avoid the option of looking for a third party billing solution and then invest in the integration of the billing system. There are several benefits of using an integrated solution from high compatibility to excellent scalability, security, simplified vendor management, etc.
If you are looking for a reliable and feature rich call center with billing system, then iCallify has the best solution to meet your requirements. It is not just the best call center software, but it offers a complete package to support any type of business dependent on this software. It supports multi-tenancy and multiple languages. Additionally, users of this software have access to both prepaid and postpaid billing systems.
You can also start with a lifetime free edition of this intelligent call center software with the integrated billing system. To book a lifetime free edition or to get answers to your questions, contact us.
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